About Me

My Philosophy:  First and foremost, I want to say note that I am not a nutritionist or a physical trainer.  This blog is simply about a simple yet sassy engineer girl’s journey of losing nearly 70 lbs. and hopefully keeping it off.
I like eating and I want to be healthy, I’m doing it for me and my family, hence the name NomNomFitMom!

Nutrition – I don’t follow any specific diet plan (e.g. Paleo, Low Carb, Southbeach, etc.) I just believe in eating good foods that are tasty, reasonable to make with a full-time job, and family friendly.  I try to emphasize on finding recipes of my family’s favorite foods and make healthier and more wholesome foods.  Prior to finding my “balance”, cooking was a luxury and eating out was the norm.  But now with lots of practice in the kitchen, the roles have reversed where home-cooked meals are the norm and eating out is the luxury!  I believe when people are eating out they tend to want to “get their money’s worth” and therefore welcome HUGE portions.  In addition, a lot of people don’t want to bring home leftovers, so in efforts to not “waste” food, they clean their plates!  I am completely guilty of doing that!  Restaurants and processed foods also tend to load up their foods with salt and oils to make their food more tantalizing, so making your favorite foods at home gives you more control and I doubt you’d miss the salt and fat THAT much (or will you?).
If planned well cooking daily is not as time consuming and tedious as it seems.  I’m actually fairly new to this all (I probably started cooking regularly in the fall of 2013) too and hope to be able to share some recipes that make my belly happy without making it wider!  I’ll definitely have a few indulgent recipes here and there to keep it REAL!

Exercise - While this doesn’t apply to exercise alone, I believe you have to enjoy what you’re doing.  One reason why weight comes back on is because a majority of people exercise or diet for one purpose, weight-loss.  Once they hit that magical number on the scale or fit into that outfit, they go back to their old bad habits and old habits brings them back to how they were (been there done that).  While I do occasionally exercise more aggressively to hit a goal, my new philosophy is to never quit exercising altogether once I hit my goal, it’s ok to tone it down, but never quit exercising.  If you genuinely enjoy the exercise routine that you’re doing, it’ll be hard to quit it.

And in case you're wondering, yes I am a beachbody coach, while I truly do believe in the products I think the best workout for you is any workout that you will do. I am happy to help you in any way I can! Write me a message, comment, email or something. :)  If you're interested in beachbody products let me know! Or if all you have is a particular goal, let's work together! Here's my teambeachbody page!

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