My Weight-loss Tools!

In order to lose or maintain weight, you must equip yourself with the right tools! These are the tools that I used to help me lose over 70 pounds. There are other tools out there that are similar. I'm simply sharing what worked for me.

For the average person, the formula for weight-loss is truly as simple as Calories In < Calories Out. Myfitnesspal has one of the best food databases that I've experienced and apps are available for your smartphone! 

Tip: Food tracking not a game! Don't cheat on food portions or entries just to hit your calorie target. You're only cheating yourself. Be honest and if you don't see any weight-loss, you'd have an accurate diary to help assess any other reasons for why you aren't losing weight (e.g. food sensitivities). 

I love love love my fitbit! There are lots of activity trackers out there and they're all wonderful if they motivate you to move more. Mine has! Fitbit also syncs with apps such as Myfitnesspal. You can even compete with friends with fitbits too! I have a fitbit one and a fitbit force.

Heart rate monitor: 
A common mistake is overestimating calories burned while exercising. Ever been guilty of thinking your 30 minute run earned you a hamburger meal? Well...maybe it only earned you half of it, or just the side of fries. Most heart rate monitors calculate calories burned based on age, height, weight, etc. While most exercise machines and fitness trackers can give you an estimated calorie burn, the advantage of the heart rate monitor is that it factors in your exertion. Some days you bring it, and some days you don't, the heart rate monitor will  tell it like it is :).

Measuing Tools:
While you maybe an awesome person that can eyeball or have a "feeling" of the exact portions you're eating, I'm not. You never know if that "4 oz." chicken breast is actually 6 oz., that's 50% more calories than you thought! 

Food scale: I use the OXO 5lb. food scale. I'm not sure why it has such bad reviews...mine works fine. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond with my 20% off coupon. :P  I prefer digital to analog scales because calibrating is much much easier thus giving a more accurate reading.

Measuring Cups/Spoons: I'm assuming that the average household should be equipped with measuring spoons and cups :). However, if given the cup/spoon measurement and the weight on the nutrition labels of food, I prefer going with the weight.

Tip: Pre-portion snacks with snack sized or sandwich sized bags! They're ready to go and can help prevent overeating! You can even write down the serving size and/or calories on the baggies with a sharpie. 

**more to come when I think of stuff**

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