Friday, May 9, 2014

Sometimes life just stops you...

I accidentally overslept this morning and didn't get my workout in, but I let it be. I'm still toying with yogurt making so I thought I'd start a batch with the microwave method and let the milk cool down as I got ready for work. After all, my doctor told me to take it a little easier on the exercise.

My car broke down today, fortunately it was at my parents' driveway as I was dropping off my son. The tow truck came late, but it was ok, I was in the comfort of my parents' home and my cousin was there to workout so I got to chat with her for a bit. I decided to take the whole day off since I didn't have any deadlines (yay for a three day mother's day weekend!). I'm excited that my cousins have the day off too and we're going to go have lunch and work out together! So I guess it all worked out in the end! :)

I took care of some paperwork that I've been meaning to finish and because I was home I was able to catch a call for my son's future grade school for an orientation! It's funny how things workout sometimes.

The only potential bad part of the day is getting the repair bill for the car :(

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